Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A family friend of mine is getting married next month.  Their entire wedding is an Alice in Wonderland theme.  I saw this fabric and found it suited the cause perfectly.

I am trying to do some improvisational pieceing and it is making me nuts.  I can't decide what I want where and I spend more time staring at the blocks than doing much of anything else.  I started with the panel and added a small stripe of black and white to frame them off.  From there, I am just winging it.
So, while I spend time staring at my design wall, auditioning fabric after fabric, I started embroidering some fabric to use for a quilt that I cannot wait to make! 

But until I can play with this, I gotta finish Alice.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

This is the intro...

My name is Andrea and I sew and quilt.  I have finally taken the plunge and started a blog; if anything to archive the projects that I make. 

The above photo is my current work in progress that is supposed to be done by March 21.  With my busy work schedule this month it hasn't been anything more than this for the last two weeks.  I think I may be in trouble... You can always extend birthday presents after all, right?